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Ep 05 - He Won’t Be Coming Home This Time
Dawson's arrest sets the match to the fuse, and Smoketown is primed to explode.
Ep 06 - We'll Be Safe
A full scale riot triggers both a tragic murder and a supernatural protection.
Be Careful Song
A song about the principles of safe behavior. The Beadies face dangers with sharp and hot objects and learn street safety. Adults guide them through, teaching important safety skills. Listen, act safely and learn. Watch, follow, learn!
What Can It Be?
Redion is a magician. He draws several shapes and wiggles his wand. What can it be? But what did these shapes become?
Please Be Careful
Redion stacking blocks with care. His beautiful stack of blocks is about to collapse. Please be careful. Will Redion make it to the end?
Don't Be Scared. It's Ok
Yellonets and Pinkapet are walking through a scary night. The Pinkapet play a lovely tune for the rattling, scared Yellonets. Don't be scared. It's ok. Why don't you invite your friends to listen?
Will You Be My Friend
Pinkapet says hello to her new friend. Will you be my friend? But then her new friend's eyes, nose, and mouth started moving. What the heck is going on?
I Want to Be an Actor
What do you want to be when you grow up? Let's figure it out with LOTTY FRIENDS!
I Want to Be a Firefighter
What do you want to be when you grow up? Let's figure it out with LOTTY FRIENDS!
Please be a Booger King!
Let's learn the healthy habits, such as saying hello with Lotty and friends, sharing, and expressing gratitude!
What will I be when I grow up? + Insect songs
What will I be when I grow up? + Insect songs | Nursery rhymes | Kids song | #Cheetahboo
Lagu dokter gigi | Lagu Gigi | Sajak Anak-Anak oleh Be Be Kids
Bernyanyilah bersama lagu populer tentang kebiasaan sehat dan pentingnya menyikat gigi agar Anda tidak pergi ke dokter gigi.
Lagu Johny Johny Cuci Tangan Kamu | Lagu Anak-Anak oleh Be Be Kids
Bernyanyi bersama lagu populer "Johny Johny ya papa" tentang kebiasaan sehat dan pentingnya mencuci tangan agar tidak sakit.
Ep 31 - May the Force Be With You
Eric learns what static electricity is and how to make it. Then he uses it to move an object without touching it.
Ep 15 - Don't Be a Copycat!
It’s wonderful to use the Internet for ideas and inspiration, but it’s unkind and wrong to take others’ work and call it your own.
I Want to Be Like My Mom When I Grow Up
I Want to Be Like My Mom When I Grow Up | Never Give Up, Baby Lion | Family Songs for Kids| JunyTony
It’s Difficult to Be a Princess
It’s Difficult to Be a Princess | Princess Song for Kids | Kindergarten Song | JunyTony
Buah & Sayuran Lezat | Lagu Be Be Kids
"Lyrics: Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, So Yummy! Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, So Yummy! Apple and Banana I like it! Like it! Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, So Yummy! Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, So Yummy! Lemon and Carrot I like it! Like it! Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, So Yummy! Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, So Yummy! Pear and Tomato I like it! Like it! Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, So Yummy! Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, So Yummy! Corn and Grapes I like it! Like it!"
Lagu Berwarna Nursery Rhyme oleh Be Be Kids
"Lagu Berwarna Nursery Rhyme oleh Be Be Kids Nyanyikan lagu anak-anak dan lagu anak-anak populer bersama kami."
Lagu Keluarga Jari Buah | Lagu Anak-anak oleh Be Be Kids
"Lagu Keluarga Jari Buah | Lagu Anak-anak oleh Be Be Kids Nyanyikan lagu anak-anak dan lagu anak-anak populer bersama kami."
Lagu Anak-anak tentang Menanam Pohon dan Pie Apel oleh Be Be Kids
"Lyrics: Driving planting stock, Driving planting stock, Driving, driving, beep-beep-beep. Planting apple-trees, Planting apple-trees, Planting, planting, scoop-scoop-scoop. Watering the trees, Watering the trees, Watering, watering, drip, drip-drop. Painting the trunks, Painting the trunks, Painting, painting, daub-daub-daub. Picking apples up, Picking apples up, Picking, picking, pluck-pluck-pluck. Baking apple-pie, Baking apple pie, Eating, eating, yum-yum-yum."