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About me

In 2006, a race was born aiming to be much more than just a race. Its first ambition was to transfer the spirit of the Dakar to the world of cycling. Along the way, it ended up creating its own essence, its own unmistakable identity and an incomparable adventure. An event that was designed for those people who want to be something more. Who are not satisfied with being one of the crowd. Who, in the vastness of the desert, are looking for a challenge, a purpose, a meaning or a desire. Titans fill their lives with moments, whether big or small, and turn them into indelible memories. Those moments are born from living their life 100%, facing their fears, facing themselves, and deciding to go all the way. There are those who are absolute fanatics of mountain biking, but there are also those who are simply looking to measure themselves. Perhaps the first spark, the trigger that led to everything else, came from conversations with friends or rides with the cycling mates. But what seemed crazy at first, grew into a desire, something to do before it was too late. That purpose marked in their minds encouraged them to grow and improve. It is the engine that makes them pursue a dream until they achieve it. Everything starts to turn around that idea. Riding through the dunes, living among the haimas, selflessly helping a companion, facing the next climb, enjoying the descent, crossing the finish line, raising the fossil, sharing the sunset, and discovering Morocco. There is no feeling like it. They all decided that the time had come. That there is only one life, and they were not going to wait any longer. They took the reins and set out to live as they wanted to. Because the Titan is life. It is purpose. It is being and being in the moment. Live your life, Reach your Purpose, Be a Titan.

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